Thursday, December 30, 2010

Green Chili Stew with Posole

Brown in a large skillet or dutch oven over medium heat:

1 pound pork, either ground or cubed in about ½” pieces. Here in Southern Colorado we can purchase actual “chili meat” at the butcher department of our local grocery store, but any sort of pork will do.

2 tablespoons vegetable oil or lard

A dash of salt and pepper

Add and stir until softened:

1 medium onion

Then add and stir until blended:

2 tablespoons flour

Slowly add while stirring all of the following:

3 cups water with 3 chicken bouillon cubes, or else 3 cups chicken stock or broth

1 can diced green chilis, or ½ – 1 cup diced fresh roasted chilis

Spices to taste: chili powder, garlic powder, a pinch of oregano and cumin, a pinch of sugar

You can also add one or a combination of the following optional ingredients for variety:

1 can posole

1 can diced tomatoes

1 can pinto beans

Cover and simmer over medium/low heat, stirring occasionally, for at least 20 minutes. Add more water or broth if the stew gets too thick. Season with salt and pepper according to taste.

From High Mountain Muse

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