Sunday, December 17, 2017

Instant Pot Cooking Times & Adjustments


Rice Quinoa Blend     1:1                15                                 10                      Crunchy
Rice Quinoa Blend     added extra liquid and extra 5 minutes with quick release - still a bit crunchy
Steel Cut Oats           1:2                    19                     Natural (40)       chewy and  few almost crunchy
Spaghetti Squash                                4                       Quick Release   crunchy (put in for 2 more min)
Baked Ham                1:.5                   20                  Natural (10)         1st time did 10 min, not hot
Brown Rice                1:1.5               26                   Natural (10)        With only 1.25 water was a bit hard
Artichoke (medium)                           10                    Natural (5)      Leaf bit soft, heart almost crunchy (tried 9 minutes and that didn't work either. Next time add water to cover artichoke heart, 9 minutes and quick release. Also add salt the water)

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